It's more of 'half-filled or half-empty' axiom... yes, you guessed it right!
Despite, blatantly promoting themselves as 'Best SEO companies', they seem to connote the word 'best' with a plethora of unethical practices. This is one side of the coin, the other; simply can't be ignored 'coz you live, eat and sleep in the world full of impulsive critics, who don't let any opportunity of rendering "Destructive-Criticism" pass them by'.
Okay, enough of mud-slinging...
something i don't intend to do in the first place, though! Let's make
some good sense out of it now. Search Engine Optimization aims at providing
the most relevant content to each searcher in the web universe.
Therefore, brand owners, website administrators, online advertisers, and
everyone to whom Users' Experience matters; they shouldn't turn their faces off this need of the hour.