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Showing posts with the label SEO Jargon

Search Engine Optimization Glossary

So, before we get started with SEO Tutorial, let's get familiar with some basic terminologies and jargon you would be hearing quite often in following SEO post. Domain name - is a domain name. Keyword/Query - Any word or phrase which is assumed (by user) to be the best match for finding the desired information. Search Box - A blank rectangular field meant to be populated by any keyword or phrase for finding relevant information. Search Engine - An automated program/user interface developed for fetching and rendering top websites/portals/documents algorithmically. It generally, displays the list of Websites (their title) with short description about those sites (snippets). Ranking - It is a position held by any site if queried via most relevant keyword all the way from first result of the first page in the Search Engine Result Pages. Crawler/robot/bot/spider/ants - An automated program that continuously searches for newly uploaded information on...