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Hi all, welcome to the "Monastery" of  SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SMO (Social Media Optimization) learning keep your fingers crossed...'coz  SEO learning wouldn't have been so much easy!


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Search Engine Optimization Glossary

So, before we get started with SEO Tutorial, let's get familiar with some basic terminologies and jargon you would be hearing quite often in following SEO post. Domain name - is a domain name. Keyword/Query - Any word or phrase which is assumed (by user) to be the best match for finding the desired information. Search Box - A blank rectangular field meant to be populated by any keyword or phrase for finding relevant information. Search Engine - An automated program/user interface developed for fetching and rendering top websites/portals/documents algorithmically. It generally, displays the list of Websites (their title) with short description about those sites (snippets). Ranking - It is a position held by any site if queried via most relevant keyword all the way from first result of the first page in the Search Engine Result Pages. Crawler/robot/bot/spider/ants - An automated program that continuously searches for newly uploaded information on...
Is 'Content' still is a king?... Sorry, no longer! Yes, this is true... 'Content' is not considered an autocrat any longer to influence your website ranking. Gone are those days, when some white-hat SEO practitioners would work really hard to create "unique content" for their website -- although most of them ended up creating a content, which was little different from their competitors, not really unique content.            "Uniqueness" of content in the context of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is its "Value proposition" to the User/Visitor/Consumer. Merely, creating unique content in terms of language, style, fonts, terminologies, and overall write-up, can never stand at par with the content providing "Unique Value" to the life of the user, consumer or visitor.  

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization in plain English?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization . It refers to a process of synchronizing any website (web page, portal etc) ethically, in such a manner that it climbs to the top ranks of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) , if queried via 'relevant but a generic keyword' or 'set of keywords'. In other words, when a user types a product/service based query in the 'Google search box,' the results (websites of companies/brands) that appear on the first page of Google search engine index, not always...but most of the times are the by-products of SEO.